Hi my name is Quinn. I am back and ready to share another part of my learning. What have I been doing for my learning? For my learning I have been watching videos on how to write a quality blog post and comment. First of all it is good to introduce yourself for the people that are new to your blog. Also try to have an about me post so they can find a little bit more about you. After introducing yourself you should put a sentence that says a little bit about what the text will be based on. Now you can write your story. Once you have done this write how you felt for example if I was writing about a walk I went on write how you felt when you finished were you tired. That gives the reader a little idea of how it would have felt when you finished the walk. Now you have shared how you felt you are ready for the last step. Make sure you add a question at the end of the blog post like when have you been on a family walk like this.
Now you know how to write a quality blog post you are ready to learn about comments. The pretend post we are commenting on is a family walk. We need to read the text before we comment so go on and read the text. Now you can start the comment. First say who you are incase the writer doesn’t know and maybe say something like Kia Ora to start. This is what it will look like.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
Now you write something positive like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family.
Now you can write something thoughtful like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family. It reminded me of my family walk that I went on to the golf course and back. It wasn’t as interesting as yours but it was still a family walk.
Now you can add something helpful like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family. It reminded me of my family walk that I went on to the golf course and back. It wasn’t as interesting as yours but it was still a family walk. Next time you could maybe proofread it a little bit more and make sure it makes a little more sense but apart from that it was a really good post.
Now you are up to the final step. Ask a question and say something like bye or Heikona like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family. It reminded me of my family walk that I went on to the golf course and back. It wasn’t as interesting as yours but it was still a family walk. Next time you could maybe proofread it a little bit more and make sure it makes a little more sense but apart from that it was a really good post. That was a really good blog post. I loved the whole thing!
Did the walk that you went to remind you of anything?
Heikona! From Quinn.
Now you know how to write a quality blog comment and post you can go out and try it! It’s easy just read through this post and have fun blogging.
Have you ever written a comment on somebody's blog?