
Friday, October 30, 2020

Magical Maths

Kia Ora, Welcome back to my blog. I haven't posted for a while and today I am showing you some maths. I have been working on tidy numbers for the past week and I am confident that I have got this strategy well 99% sure so really I am confident that I have got this strategy. At St Francis we have a Learn Create Share. Learn we learn about the strategy Create we create something to show our learning and Share we share our create with other people like you. I am going to show you my create.

Do you know how to do this strategy? Do you like doing it?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hey bloggers! It's Sunday the 5th of July and it is the first Sunday of the school holidays. I have been on planner 5D doing some building. You should check it out. It takes a lilttle while to get used to but I am sure you will get it at some stage. Here are some pictures of what I have built.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Maths Is Fun

Kia Ora bloggers. Welcome to my blog to thise who are new and welcome back to those who aren't. Today is Thursday 25th of June and I am posting about my maths for this week.
Goal:count forwards and backwards in 1 /2’s, 1 /4’s, 1 /3’s,
1 /5’s, 1 /10’s. The hard things I found were, in steat of doind the whole number I did for example 4/4 four over four. Here is the poster I made to show my learning.

Hope you enjoyed and learnt something from this post. Heikona!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Kia Ora bloggers,

it is friday the best day of the week. After school I don't have to make my lunch for tommorow, isn't that awesome! Today we had cybersmart/smartfootprint lessons with Mark and we learnt about what personal information we can put on our blog. We had to do something where we have two sides of a square. One side is the things that are ok to put on your blog and things that aren't. Then we had to give a reason why we put it there. Here is the one that I made.⤵

Here are the reasons⤵

Hope you learnt something from this blog.

Have you ever done something like this before?

Heikona Quinn๐Ÿฆ„

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Pentecost Poster

Kia Ora bloggers!

Welcome to my blog to those who are new. It is the 4th of June and I am excited to share my new learning.

This week we have been doing a Learn Create Share and this is my create and I am shareing with you now.

Here is the poster I made for create.

Hope yo like the poster. Click on the image to get a closer veiw

Kind regrets

My Maths For This Week๐Ÿ’–

Goal: Round Decimals To The Nearest Whole Number

Kia Ora bloggers!

Welcome to my blog to those who are new. Today is the 4th of June and I am going to share my new learning with you.

Here I have 2 Images of my work.

Hope you liked the posters. Click on them to see them closer.

Kind regrets Quinn๐Ÿฆ„

My New Learning For You To Veiw!๐Ÿ’–

Goal: think while reading, pick up new information and come up with new ideas

Kia Ora bloggers. My name is Quinn and I welcome you to my blog to those who are new to my blog. Today is the 4th of June and I am excited to share my new learning with you.

This week for reading the whole hub has been learning about writing a good Email. Would you like to see my Slide about my learning? Click this link if so and I hope you like it!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฆ„

Thanks for reading my blog. Please comment and keep reading my blog. See you.

Kind Regrets Quinn๐Ÿฆ„

Monday, June 1, 2020

Sunday May 31 Trip To Hanmer 2020

Hi this is me Quinn. welcome to my blog. Here is a story about my trip to Hanmer.
On the 31st of May me and my family went on a day trip to hanmer. It all started with the worst part. Waking up at 7:00. We chose our clothes and got dressed then got a milo a teddy and a pillow if wanted then we started for the road. Our plans for the road trip were a treasure hunt on the road so we had a lot of things we had to find for example a farm house with smoke coming from the chimney. Once we had a little bit of looking and found a couple of things we arrived at our first stop Mc donalds. There we had breakfast, a really yummy breakfast and we re-filled our milo mugs and started again for the road. For breakfast I got a cheeseburger and a hash brown. The others got well I don’t really know. We pasted a lot of things from the hunt and we each had 2 things. (I found myne the most.) when we arrived at a hanmer campground it was the wrong one then went to another round the corner so we rung Nana and Grandpa (who we were visiting along with aunty Cristine and uncle Dugg) and asked the witch one it was and it was alpine adventure which was back the other way and we finally found the right one. We arrived and said hi kia ora how are you and then ran off to the playground. The playground was so cool! It had a big tower to climb and there was this thing where you climb up the tires and slide down a pole. There were lots of tire things to do like sit on and in tires, climb on tires and even collect snow from the tires. It was the best playground ever! I loved the playground every bit of it and I made 2 friends there. Eva and Emily. Eva is 8 years old and Emily is 6. I really want to see them again but I don’t know when I will next go there. After that we went to the car to get ready for the fairy walk. We saw lots of fairies in the forest and when we finished the fairy walk we went on another walk with carved animals called the forest amble. It was a really cool walk. We saw so many animals and one of them was even a whole seen. It was so much fun. We walked for ages and there was lots to see. After a while we got back to the car and went back. When we were there back at the camp I went straight to the playground and played. After a while I got a little bored of all of the tires and went back to the cabin. I came back and said hi but then I realized that Elsha was going so I went back. She wanted to play pirates and I didn’t but then before a big argument George came and said it was time for lunch. Then both of us went back. I helped prepare lunch and bring some snacks over while grandpa cooked the sausages. Then we chose some things to eat and went outside to eat it. I got only a few things which were chilly and sausages sandwich and a cracker with cheese. After my first lot of food I went and got more and then I went and got more then ran off to the playground. I played for a little while there and then a little more play and and maybe a little more but after a little more play it was time to leave after a really fun day of seeing family. We went and said bye and we were given a packet of lollies for the ride. Then we got in the car and set off for the road again. Not far from Hanmer there is a place called culverden which sells the biggest ice cream scoops. The flavor ice cream that I got was chocolate lamington dipped in chocolate sauce and it is really yummy and hardens super fast. After we got our ice cream we got back in the car and ate them while we were driving. I was the second child to finish my ice cream. We were driving for ages and we even passed frog rock. It was so cool. We saw lots of interesting things and rocks and when we got home it was time to write this story. And when it was time to put the chrome book away I was only this far through:
When we were there back at the camp
Then I wrote the rest of the story. After I was told to put my chrome book away we got ready for dinner. Then after dinner we watched a movie. The movie was Harry Potter. Then we went to bed.

Have you ever been to hanmer of watched harry potter?

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Unluckey Mice๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ

There was once a mouse. Malvery the mouse. A very unlucky mouse. A mouse that always wanted to go on an adventure but never could. A mouse that was only young but treated very badly. A mouse that had no parents at all and lived in an orphanage. The only mouse left along with 2 others that were all not wanted all not treated nicely. But they were all friends and they always had each other. Their names were Mickey and Movel. Mickey and Movel were twins and always had the same ideas. That is how they got out of trouble. Well when they were all together that is. They always had excuses like oh we thought we left our teddy down stairs but it was under my bed or I forgot to brush my teeth before bed. And they always got away with it except one time when they were being spied on by one of the twins that was having a really good day and didn't want to ruin it. So they tried not to. But it was harder because it was older twin Mickey that always sticks up to Movel. He got a little no sorry a lot told of when the teacher realized what the three of them had been doing for the last two years. They were all only 6 years old. Well the twins were 6 and a half but they were all thinking the same most of the time. Then one night Mickey had a dream that made him think differently for a day but that didn’t change everything they had done in the past or the way he thought about everything or the same as his twin Movel. He found it hard to know what to do when he got this feeling of his brother planning something big. Or when he heard them discussing what they would do. He also laughed when they asked if he wanted to join in pretending to be thinking of something funny but really drawing up a plan to get them told off. Then when he knew what to say he said yes oh and sorry I just thought of something funny. So they said, tonight let's sneak down the hall and into the kitchen, grab the chocolate cake and go back to the room. Then, so she dosnn’t suspect it was us that took the chocolate cake we will throw this stone that I am holding outside our door. Them when she comes in we will all be fake sleeping so she will go back to bed we will eat the chocolate cake then sneak the container back in the refrigerater. Sounds good eh well you wait for the real thing. So that was Malvery’s big plan that Movel liked and Mickey pretended to like but he was lying. It became night and Malvery and Movel were waiting for Mickey who was secretly telling the teacher Miss Manley the plan then Miss M was standing at the cupboard waiting for the plan to go into action and stop them by sneaking up on them. Mickey came upstairs and said ready, just making sure that the cake is easy to reach. So there they were ready to steal the cake. But oh they didn’t know what they were in for. Creep creep creep. Through the hall into the lounge past the kitchen table and right to the fridge where right behind them was Miss M. Creep Creep Creep towards the fridge and with a big yell Miss M shouted WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING? Umm... well we. Okay that is it all of you will go back to bed and I did hear you throw the rock that you were going to throw and you did it so secretly that nobody else knows about it. Let’s see should it be our little secret or should I tell the whole world on the news? Well I think it is only right for you to face the consequence of the whole world knowing. Then Miss M clicked 2 times and BANG! A whole camera crew stomp through the door and Miss M is thrown a microphone and is asked: Well what is going on here? Well these three have been caught by me trying to steal a chocolate cake and well this one was the one that told me the whole plan and…
MICKEY!    Miss M is interrupted with a big shout from the 2 that are the most angry out of the whole 12 people in the room. Well I think it is clear that you have all been doing this for the last 2 years sneaking around all year getting your way. It’s no wonder you haven't been so sad since the morning you woke up sick. Well at least the whole world knows that you are such selfish little mice. And from that day on they never got out of bed at night again although they were bullied by mice that were just new to the orphanage.

Remember this is in mice land but the same punishment may happen to you one day so please be good I don’t want that happening to you. Thanks From Quinn

Thursday, May 28, 2020

This week for reading and writing our goal was: learning about a quality blog post and comment.
This is the powtoon that I made about it.

Hope you learnt something from it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Here Is My Weekly Maths๐Ÿ˜œ

A Unit Fration is a fration but the numerator is a one and the denominator is a whole number other than one. My goal for the week was odering unit frations and I think I really understand it now and I hope that the 2 posters that I made for you has really helped you understand them too!
Those are the 2 posters that I made to share my learning about ordering unit fratiions
Do you know the differnce betweent a unit fration and a fration?๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’Ž

Do You Know How To write A Quality Blog Post And Comment?☺

Hi my name is Quinn. I am back and ready to share another part of my learning. What have I been doing for my learning? For my learning I have been watching videos on how to write a quality blog post and comment. First of all it is good to introduce yourself for the people that are new to your blog. Also try to have an about me post so they can find a little bit more about you. After introducing yourself you should put a sentence that says a little bit about what the text will be based on. Now you can write your story. Once you have done this write how you felt for example if I was writing about a walk I went on write how you felt when you finished were you tired. That gives the reader a little idea of how it would have felt when you finished the walk. Now you have shared how you felt you are ready for the last step. Make sure you add a question at the end of the blog post like when have you been on a family walk like this.

Now you know how to write a quality blog post you are ready to learn about comments. The pretend post we are commenting on is a family walk. We need to read the text before we comment so go on and read the text. Now you can start the comment. First say who you are incase the writer doesn’t know and maybe say something like Kia Ora to start. This is what it will look like.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
Now you write something positive like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family.

Now you can write something thoughtful like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family. It reminded me of my family walk that I went on to the golf course and back. It wasn’t as interesting as yours but it was still a family walk.

Now you can add something helpful like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family. It reminded me of my family walk that I went on to the golf course and back. It wasn’t as interesting as yours but it was still a family walk. Next time you could maybe proofread it a little bit more and make sure it makes a little more sense but apart from that it was a really good post.

Now you are up to the final step. Ask a question and say something like bye or Heikona like this.
Kia Ora Emily my name is Quinn.
I really liked the post that you did on your family walk. I love the way you added a picture of you all, that made me want to read it. I always love things to do with family. It reminded me of my family walk that I went on to the golf course and back. It wasn’t as interesting as yours but it was still a family walk. Next time you could maybe proofread it a little bit more and make sure it makes a little more sense but apart from that it was a really good post. That was a really good blog post. I loved the whole thing!
Did the walk that you went to remind you of anything?
Heikona! From Quinn.

Now you know how to write a quality blog comment and post you can go out and try it! It’s easy just read through this post and have fun blogging.

Have you ever written a comment on somebody's blog?


Friday, May 22, 2020

Here is my screencastify

Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Maths Poster

This is a poster that I made for my maths for school.

My Awesome Timeline!๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜Š

My amzing timeline is a timeline that I calll amazing so here is the link so you can veiw it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


My amazing mothers day was on may 10 on sunday. We got up and played with our toys and wraped Mum's presents. I chose my present first and I chose fluffy socks like pink and light blue and stuff one them. Then there were all types of treats and stuff. When she opend the present I went and got the card that I made her for mothers day from me only instead of all of us kids. Then we had breakfast witch was giant croissants. Then we went to Nana's house and had a play and them Grandma's house and had a play. Then we went to Poppa's house and had a really small play, Then we went home. This was the best Mothers day ever!

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Coke And Mentos Experiment๐Ÿ˜œ

On may 11 we did the coke and mentos experiment but it didn't make a very big explotion.What makes the coke react to the mentos the way it does is a prosses called nucleation. That is where the carbon dioxside in the soda is attracted to the mentos. It causes a big explotion.

Friday, May 8, 2020

My Great Long Walk๐Ÿ˜ณ

On the 8th of May me, Mum, Elsha, George and Liam went on a walk while Dad was at home working. First we just walked down our street and saw a german shepherd. It barked at us really loud and then ran away. It was a fun first part of the walk.

The second part of the walk was almost just as fun because me and Elsha were the group leaders for the walk. We got to make sure that the group stayed toghether and all went the right way. We walked to the golf course and Mum took some photos.

Next we walked to the library. It was only a small walk from the golf course to the library but when we got there we took another photo.Then we walked home.

On the way home we passed the school that had covid 19 testing but we didn’t go through it. We walked past the supermarket and then we tunred to walk down the footpath.

Next we turned down ouir street and walked home. It was a great big walk. Then I came home and wrote this story. Hope you enjoyed my story and I will write another one since I love writing stories. BBBBBYYYYYEEEEE!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My Story

This is the story of me and one of my funniest times of my life. Once I was on a round about and it was spinning really fast. Then when it got so fast it was out of control I flew off it. Then when I tried to stand up I was so dizzy and coudn't. Then I fell back down and started laughing. And yes I fell onto my back but luciley I didn't hurt myself. So that concludes it so BBBYYYEEE!!!๐Ÿคฃ
Here is a google drawing that I did of my teacher from year 3 & 4.

My Reading Blog๐Ÿ“™About The Turkey

My reading blog is just me shareing my reading activity. So for reading we had to create a poster or somthing to share our learning but I chose a poster. This is the poster that I madewhile tracing a turkey.Does it look like it came off the internet because if it does well i just traced it not really of the internet๐Ÿฆƒ

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


This is my create part of learn create share!๐Ÿฆ„

All About Me!๐Ÿ˜ณ

Hi my name is Quinn. I am 9 years old turing 10 this year. My birthday is December 8. I really love unicorns๐Ÿฆ„and I have 6 people in my family. Dad, Mum, Elsha, Me, George and Laim. Dad is 42 Mum is 37 Elsha is 10 I am 9 George is 8 and Liam is 5 now. Our family had 2 dogs but one of them died a long time ago but we still thing of her a lot. some nights when I think of her in bed I pray for her and the other people in my family that have died when I think of them. The domestic animals that I like are Dogs Cats and Bunnies. My Nanna has a cat and 2 dogs. One of the dogs is really nice to the cat and one is not as nice. The cats name is Loulou. The little nice dog is cute fluffy black one called Mollie and the other white fluffy one is called Joe. They are nice dogs but I only like to hold Mollie. I have alot of relatives and they are all very kind to me. Thanks for reading All About Me!๐Ÿ˜ณ


One May the 6 I finished my animal report on mice. The reason that I chose mice is that one day my sister Elsha was dressed up like a mouse and so I decided to do a report on them. here is the link for my report on mice. This was great because I got to learn about mice aswell as shareing the information.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Drawing A Toucan๐Ÿ‘

Today we drew a toucan that was from this sheet๊œ›And we did it i 6 easy steps๐Ÿ‘

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

This is the google drawing that I made on the 28th of April๐Ÿ’

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Paper Airaplane Compatition๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ†

Today we did a paper airaplane compatition and I lost and won. It went right infront of me but it did the best trick: a triple flip in the air. It was alot of fun but it would been more fun if my one went the furtherest.๐Ÿ†

Blog About My Dog

This is me and my dog Paws and he sits at my Dad's desk and helps him do his work when he is on the phone. He is a cute dog and will always be at my back.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

This Is My Family Mascot And I Made It On Google Drawings For My Reading!๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿฑ

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

This is my weekly math board๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜

Monday, April 20, 2020

My Math Board๐Ÿค

This is my math board from this year but this is only one of them

If you had the equation 19-9 would you work it out like I did or would you do it a differnt way? If you would do it a different way how would you do it?๐ŸŽญ

Thursday, April 16, 2020

One one nice day when school was still on the tumu hub went to the kakano hub to get parternerd up with a buddy to ask what there favorite animal is and I got Chloe and she said a dolphin so this is a google drawing that I made for her. read the text on the poster to find out information about dolphins♥

Monday, April 6, 2020

My Brother Liam๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™ˆ

My brother Liam wanted me to write about him. He is 4 years old and he is always so cute and nice. During the lockdown our family has been going for some walks but us kids have been scootering for the walks. We have been going to a carpark that we can scooter free around and we normally play cops and robbers or we have differnt types of races. He has a toy called chase from pawpatrol. He is a cute toy soft and quite old but he is l♥ved and he will be for ever and ever. Liam's favorite color is blue and he loves ice cream. His favorite thing to do is sleep and he loves playing with his toys. This is him first time baking on the 5th of April.๐Ÿ‘

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The kakano hub blogs๐Ÿ‘

The kakano hub blogs are so cute. They have such cute story's on their blogs. Their storys are about ice cream. ♥๐Ÿฆ Every body loves ice cream it's just so cute how their storys are about ice cream and I love the flavors that they choose as their favorite.

Ice cream cat squishy

Monday, March 30, 2020

    The Great Adventure

There was once a girl called Amy that was very interested
in scientists that save the world. She has wanted to be one since she
was 3 but now she is 7 she is much older and is way more confident about
being one. She feels that she is going to be a great scientist when she is
older. She has a best friend that is also 7 years old. Her name is Zara. She
is a very nice girl but she can be quite sensitive about what other people say
about her. She is always nice to other people but sometimes they aren't
very nice to her. One Day they were Having a playdate and they asked if
they could go on an adventure and so they did. Zara asked if they could go
to the same place as last time. Amy said no we are going to adventure
somewhere else this time. Last time they went to the park that was far
away that they didn't even know the way to. Zara asked if they could go to
the forest and Amy said yes. They packed a picnic and headed off for the
forest. When they got there they decided that they would go Zara said
lets go left, then Amy said no lets go right. The right path was dark and
the left path was light. Amy's mum said they would go left this time and
maybe they would go right next time. Amy then said WE HAD BETTER!
So they wandered off into the forest to find the perfect picnic spot.
When they came across a big patch of green grass they thought that this
was the perfect spot to have a picnic. They got out the cookies and ate.
They also had fruit and lollies and other types of food. They all thought
that it was a great lunch, but there was one problem, They didn't remember
what way they had come from. Amy said they wouldn't have to go to school
ever again secretly knowing what way they had come from. Then her mum
said oh yes you will. I will call the cops and ask if they can try and find us.
Amy said there's no need. We can just wait here for life. We have food and
there is a water fountain right over there. I don't think we will last even with
food and water out here plus Zara's mum will kill me if she stays with me out
here. Now I am calling the cops and before you come up with another plan to
keep us out here. Sorry but I already have and the last couple of years you
haven't needed a warning about me being a fast thinker. I just thought you
wouldn't need one today. But sad for me I was wrong. Oh well. Well would
you like to know my plan or would you rather me just do it. She said she
doesn't want either so they didn't get in any more trouble. Amy then said
that she would choose for her and that she would choose just to do it. So
let's just go over there and oh I forgot to tell you this is a good plan and
school can be kinda helpful. Lets go over there and try the path that I know
is the right path to get home just because I don’t want you to die. What do
you mean you don’t want me to die? Well you said that Zara's mother would
kill you if she was stuck here forever. Oh that wouldn't really happen that's
just how I explained what would not really happen but at least it made you
care for me. Like you never have before. Ok follow me to the best place in
the world: home safe warm home. Ok let’s go through the forest this way
and let's go in between the trees over this way and here we are. Home sweet
home. This has been the best day ever!


Tennis is my favorite sport I have played for about three or four years and I really enjoyed it. On my second year of tennis my brother and sister played but my other brother was to young. I am still playing now on a saturday morning at shirley tennis club. I really want to play interclub because it is my dream to play. I really love playing tennis and I think that it would be a really cool experience for me to play interclub.๐Ÿ‘

Friday, March 27, 2020

The School Fair!
On sunday March 8 our school had a school fair. It was filled
with fun and excitement and there was heaps to do. My Dad
gave me $10 to spend and I spent it all very quickly. First I
bought a jolly jar that was my own and then I went to buy a
drink. After that I got an ice cream. My  ice cream was
chocolate flavored and it was delicious. The first thing I did
was the maze in which my friend Emma’s mum paid for. The
maze had a mystery word that involved clues to figure it out.
Then I went over to my mum to chat about the maze and the
clues to find the word “AMAZING.”

Then I went to the fire truck with Emma. There was one
fireman in the truck and one fireman standing by the step
helping us on and off. After that we went to find Emma's
mum and then I went to the bouncy castle. I had two turns
on the course then I got off. It was a fun bouncy castle but
wasn't too bouncy. After the bouncy castle I went to archery
and had quite a good turn. I had fun and got some good shots.
There were red arrows, blue arrows, white arrows and orange
arrows. After that we went to ride the old car rides but they
had just finished their last ride. I was quite sad but it was ok
because I was allowed to go and use the kids zone ticket on
some fun games out the front. I played the game where you
throw the balls into the holes and they have an amount of
points on them. Next I played knock down. I got a pretty good
shot after l had my first tun I finished with three cans left.
Then I went to the guessing game next. It was so much fun
because the last thing that you have to guess is the lollies.
I took lots of turns just for the lollies. After the school fair
I went to meet baby Blake, my cousin for the first time and it
was also my mum's first time too. We met my Aunty outside
the hospital. And then we all walked in together. When we
were in the hospital and in my Aunt's room we saw baby Blake.
She was so small and cute and she had so much hair all ready.
Mum had a little hold and then she asked if I was allowed one
too. I was so I did. Then I got to have some giant m&ms. For
the rest of the visit I was allowed to  hold the baby and i didnt
want to let go. She was so cute and then mum made a joke she
said: congratulations Sarah and dj you have two daughters now.
She only said that because I didn't want to give somebody else
a turn holding the baby because she was so cute. It was the
cutest baby that i had ever seen. I really wanted more m&m’s
but I knew it would be rude to ask and plus I had already had
a whole hand full of them. They were good but I had more
treats at home. We didn't want to be too long at the
hospital but we stayed longer anyway. The baby was so cute.
I really wish that they didn't live so far away. I would love
it if they had bought the house that was just next door to
us but somebody already did. After we had been there long
enough we decided to go home so we said goodbye and we
left really wishing that we could stay longer. We headed
home a long and really fun car ride. When we got home
the other kids were going for a bike ride and so i
watched something on the tv. It was called brooklyn
99. It's about policemen and women that have all sorts of
mysteries to solve and lots of adventures to go on. The main
character is called jake. It is my favorite tv show because it
is so interesting and i really love watching the program.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Jolly Jar experiment!!!!!!!!!

This term, our Project Based Learning (PBL) started with the teachers
putting us into groups. In these groups we had to work collaboratively
to create Jolly Jars for the school fair. This task helped us to begin
exploring our PBL question for the term - How can we build community
through our actions? We had to research ideas, be creative with our product,
experiment with our materials and write instructions that could be followed by others. 

Here is a link to my instructions.

I learnt that instructions need to be easy to understand and the font needs to be easy to read. 
When you write instructions you need to read them out loud to yourself and possibly even get
someone else to  check them as well. You do that to make sure that they make sence and you
should always do that before publishing.

Reflection on PBL:
For PBL our group was doing flowers in a jar. We found that it was much harder while working
with people that we don't usually work with. In the end it all worked out and we got it done but
just in time because it was the last day to finish our jars.

For our Jolly Jar we had to do an action plan that chose our idea. For a little while we were
thinking of doing paper snowflakes but in the end it was flowers in a jar. It was a rush to
get them done but we worked as a group and made it finally.

I contributed to my group by bringing the soil and seeds for the jolly jar and a jar as well.
I helped to prepare and pack the things to grow the flower into the jar. I made sure nothing was
missing from the jar by checking them.

Our Jolly Jar was creative because not very many people plant things in a jar. We also think it
was creative because instead of drainage holes we used stones. I collected the rocks from my
driveway at home. 

What I learned about working with others was that it can bring people closer together and make
friendships stronger. It can also make the product more interesting because of the people in the
group. Different people have different ideas. Everybody has a different mind so everybody has
a different way of thinking.

How did we build community through our actions?
We raised money for our school bike track. The children will have fun using it and we will all
appreciate the  work put into raising the money. The amount of money raised was very good
and I hope we are capable of doing this again. As year 5,6 we were all really                                                                                                         

proud of how well the fair went on sunday 8 March 2020.